Carries Courses Logo NEW Mar 2024

Why you Need a Side Hustle right NOW!

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hi, i'm Carrie

I help women find freedom by building a business or starting a new side hustle. Becoming an entrepreneur is an exciting venture for anyone who wants to experience being their own boss, freedom, and flexibility!

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Why you Need a Side Hustle

We were lied to as kids. I grew up in the 80s… and at this point in time, most of my friends parents had one job, and they had held that job for years if not decades. 

Nobody was talking about side businesses or side hustles or multiple streams of income. Well not in my home anyhow.

We were taught to go to school, find a career, and live happily ever after. Nobody was talking about owning a business or having back up plans in case a pandemic hit!

Things were so simple back then!

Fast forward to 2022, and having more than one income stream is what everyone wants. No longer can we depend on one job to pay the bills.  What we have learned with covid times, is that nothing is guaranteed and you need to plan for times like this.

That is why so many people are looking for extra ways to create wealth. 

why you need a side hustle

Not just because having more money means you can buy more things… But because we need to plan for the unknown. 

So if one business starts tanking, at least you have another stream of income still coming in.

So now is a great time to ask yourself.  If my current income stream were to suddenly disappear, what is my back up plan? What else can I do to create another stream of income, to plan for the inevitable?

How many streams of income do you have? If you are a female entrepreneur, make sure to vote in the group as to how many streams of income you have by following this link.