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9 Side Hustles For Nurses To Make Money in 2024

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I help women find freedom by building a business or starting a new side hustle. Becoming an entrepreneur is an exciting venture for anyone who wants to experience being their own boss, freedom, and flexibility!

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Nursing skills are highly in demand whether it’s writing medical blogs or mobile caregiving. If you’re a nurse and want to add an extra income stream, you are at the right place. Here’s a curated list of in-demand side hustles for nurses in 2024: 

Nursing-Related Side Hustles

1. Telemedicine

Digital health services are on the rise, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. Telemedicine makes healthcare more accessible and also offers you the flexibility to work from anywhere. As a nurse, your telehealth responsibilities will include patient consultations, follow-up visits, and even remote patient monitoring.

2. Health Blogging or Freelance Writing

Many people are struggling to find accurate information with the internet being currently flooded with AI-written blogs. When it comes to health and medicine, a company would always prefer someone with a medical background and who’s better than a nurse. 

There are two ways to go about this – build a writing portfolio in your medical expertise and pitch writing services to clients and marketing agencies or build a blog on medical and health topics that you are most interested in and have a good search volume. Once your blog starts getting visits you can monetize it through advertising, sponsored posts, or affiliate marketing.

3. First Aid Instructor

Your medical skills and expertise are valuable to teach first aid and CPR classes. Community centers, schools, and businesses often look for certified professionals to conduct training sessions, which they conduct routinely. This side hustle not only pays well but also empowers others with life-saving skills.

4. Online Nursing Tutoring

With the ongoing demand for nursing education, online tutoring presents a lucrative opportunity. You can either conduct one-on-one tutoring sessions where you teach students complex topics and offer guidance on how to learn them quickly or you can offer small batch sessions to help them study and answer their doubts. While it is a rewarding career, it also offers the convenience of setting your own schedule and you can help nursing students across the country. 

5. Part-time Caregiver

If you are looking for a highly rewarding side hustle, you can become a part-time caregiver. Many families with elderly or disabled children seek part-time help from experienced healthcare professionals. You can directly impact a family by improving their quality of life while earning extra income. 

6. Cosmetic Injector

Facial injectable market is projected to grow from 8.89 billion in 2022 to 13.84 billion in 2030, so if you feel it is getting saturated, it isn’t! Once you have all the necessary certifications, you can either work at a clinic or start your own practice at home or in a studio. Give yourself an upper edge in the ever-growing competition by mastering two or three facial injectable skills and brand yourself that way. 

A nurse saying hi to another person from the laptop screen

Non-Nursing Related Side Hustles

7. Virtual Assistant

If you want a low stress side hustle and a break from the medical field, virtual assistance is the way to go. Many business owners, especially solopreneurs need help with email management, scheduling, social media posts scheduling, and other administrative jobs. You may start asking among friends and families if anyone wants administrative help and go on from there. 

8. E-commerce Shop

Whether it’s handmade crafts, healthcare products, or any niche you’re passionate about, an online store can be a rewarding venture. Work on finding a product idea that’s never done before or one that’s existing but you can make it significantly better so people readily buy it with little marketing efforts. Platforms like Etsy and Shopify are the best platforms for setting up and managing your shop.

9. Moving Box Rentals

With the increasing trend towards sustainability, starting a moving box rental business can be both eco-friendly and profitable. Offer durable, reusable boxes for rent to professionals and families on the move. If you resonate with the sustainability movement, this side hustle is an extension of your values. 

While it is a slightly demanding side hustle, it doesn’t need a lot of active work. Once a website is built and marketing strategies are in place, you’ll mostly be focusing on customer service and outreach. We offer a 14-week long course on building Moving Box Rental Side Hustle and have helped several women in the US and across the globe build thriving businesses. Check out our course here or join our free Facebook group to learn more about the side hustle!

Stay dedicated to your side hustle and find the right strategy to reach your target audience. If an idea doesn’t work, move on to the next one with new experiences and lessons learnt.