Using Side Hustles to Travel the World

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hi, i'm Carrie

I help women find freedom by building a business or starting a new side hustle. Becoming an entrepreneur is an exciting venture for anyone who wants to experience being their own boss, freedom, and flexibility!

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Using Side Hustles to Travel

Having extra money come in (outside from our 9-5 job) is what allows us to do the fun things in life.

This supplemental income is almost a necessity nowadays rather than a luxury. As the number of children we have multiplies, and as we give into the fun gadgets and dream of bigger houses and fancier cars, money tends to get tighter and tighter.

And for those of us who have the travel bug yet have no extra money to do so, this can be very frustrating.

But as women, and I can certainly relate, we tend to just settle and accept our fate.

We tell ourselves:

  • when the kids go to college, that is when I will travel
  • when the kids move out, that is when I will travel
  • when I retire, that is when I will travel
  • when I get a new job, that is when I will travel

What happened to right now while we are young and vibrant? Why do we have to wait if there is another way? Why can’t we just make stuff happen?

Lots of women are using Side Hustles as a means to travel the world. It gives them “money on the side” to do the fun things in life. Travelling is typically high on most people’s list, however many of us don’t get to take advantage of this luxury as often as we like.

Travelling can be quite costly depending on where you want to go too, and so many women pass up these opportunities in order to make ends meet. As women, we tend to put our spouse and/or children in front of our own needs.

Telling ourselves that one day we will get to travel wherever we want. Yet they keep taking priority don’t they? Well time is ticking sweetheart!! ⏰

I know for me, touring the world is high on my list. I want to see places like Italy, France, Spain, Australia, Sweden, Germany, Hawaii, and the list goes on and on.


Making a decent salary will take care of the day to day bills. But after the bills are paid, how can we afford to do anything extra?

Having a Side Hustle or two is the way to go. Side Hustles typically mean that you can:

  • choose your own hours
  • decide how big you want to grow the business
  • decipher your level of intensity as to how hard you work
  • typically have more say in what you do

Some Side Hustles are affiliated with network marketing companies and they dictate prices and which products to sell and how you run the business.

What I wish more women knew, is that there are so many Side Hustles that you can start on your own instead. Where you are in the driver’s seat and where you make all of the decisions rather than being told how to run your business.

One particular Side Hustle that I run from home, is called Pack ‘n Stack Moving Bin Rentals. With this type of company, I decide the hours that customers come to pick up their moving bins, how much I want to charge per bin, which days of the week I am available, and the list goes on and on.

This is why I promote women to start their own Moving Box Rental Business from home. Because it allows women to have it all – time freedom and financial freedom – which in turn allows them to do the fun things in life!

I use all of my extra income made from Side Hustles to spend on the fun stuff such as travelling. This year my boyfriend and I are planning a cruise to Eastern Canada, a trip to Las Vegas, as well as a week away to Greece.

And guess how that is being paid for? Through my Side Hustles of course! This is my fun money where I can splurge and not feel guilty. This is why I have so many Side Hustles because travelling is so important to me.

So if you have the travel bug and would love to make travelling a bigger part of your life, consider owning a Side Hustle or two. I teach women how to start the Ultimate Side Hustle from home, and you can find out what this will look like by clicking here.