How To Overcome Anxiety During Networking Events?

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I help women find freedom by building a business or starting a new side hustle. Becoming an entrepreneur is an exciting venture for anyone who wants to experience being their own boss, freedom, and flexibility!

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You often see in-person and virtual networking events posted on Facebook. You almost convince yourself to go but something holds back. Social anxiety has increased ever since the pandemic, when all of us were forced to stay indoors. If you want to overcome this anxiety and shine at networking events, continue reading this blog. 

8 tips to overcome anxiety during networking events:

1. Get a Script Ready

You simply can’t walk into a networking event without a script. Think of your script as a cheat sheet to keep you on track and should include: 

  • Simple intro about yourself—your name, job, and company.
  • Quick, clear explanation of what your business does 
  • Few conversation starters ready, like “What brings you here?” or “Is this your first time at this event?”
  • Questions that show you’re genuinely interested, like “What projects are you excited about right now?”
  • Couple sentences to wrap up the conversation smoothly, maybe with something like, “It was great talking to you. Let’s stay in touch.”

2. Start Small and Build Up

If you walk into a crowded room, you might feel anxious about a conversation right away. Instead, approach someone who’s alone and strike up a conversation. Ask them questions about the event, about themselves, and keep it casual. Once you feel confident, excuse yourself and go ahead and talk to others. 

3. Focus on Listening, Not Impressing

No one likes people who try too hard. You are there to meet business professionals like you. Instead of focusing on saying the perfect thing, shift your attention to listening. Ask open-ended questions and show genuine interest in what others are saying. If they ask you a question, end your reply with the same question. 

a woman is taking a deep breath by lying her head on the couth

4. Deep Breathing

In the first few minutes of interactions, you might feel your heart racing. It is completely normal and something you can control with deep breaths. You can use it to bring your focus back to the present moment as well. 

5. Visualize Success Beforehand

Or what we call now as MANIFESTATION. The day of the event, take a few minutes out and meditate. Picture yourself being confident and engaging in multiple conversations, smiling, and making connections. Set a goal of the number of people you want to talk to, exchange information, and once you achieve your goals, just rest easy. 

6. Give Yourself Permission to Take Breaks

Step away if the event starts making you feel overwhelmed. Find a quiet corner, take a few deep breaths, drink small sips of water, or even step outside for a moment.  

7. Arrive Early 

You might feel more anxious if you walk into a networking event that’s already buzzing with activity. Arriving early lets you ease into the environment, build confidence as the room fills up, and even chat with the organizers before the crowd arrives.

8. Find a Networking Buddy

Imagine showing up with a friend who’s also in the business world. It’s like having a built-in confidence booster. You feel more at ease, knowing you’ve got someone by your side. Plus, you can introduce each other to new contacts, which makes the whole process less intimidating. 
Ready to take your networking to the next level?

Join Carrie’s Courses free Facebook group, where you can connect with entrepreneurs in the moving box business. It is a stress-free place to exchange ideas, support and encourage others, and learn more about the rental moving box category.