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8 Tips To Overcome Fear and Stress While Starting A Side Hustle

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I help women find freedom by building a business or starting a new side hustle. Becoming an entrepreneur is an exciting venture for anyone who wants to experience being their own boss, freedom, and flexibility!

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From millennials to soon-to-be retirees, the US has over 44 million side hustlers. This clearly shows the potential and opportunity you can unlock while keeping your day job and/or performing parenting duties. If you are scared of starting a side hustle, find out where the fear comes from. It could be the time needed, commitment, or the fear of failure. You’ll grow only when you experiment and learn from failures. 

Here are 8 tips to overcome fear and stress while starting a side hustle: 

1. Acknowledge Your Fears, Then Set Them Aside

Fear is a natural response to the unknown. Did you know an emotion only lasts for 90 seconds biologically? If you continue feeling that emotion that’s because you are thinking about it and recirculating it within your body. So, here’s what you can do – write down your fears. Now evaluate them and think how realistic they are. You’ll feel better right away and redirect that attention into building the side hustle. 

2. Start Small and Set Realistic Goals

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a successful side hustle. Start with small, achievable goals. List all of them at once and set a deadline for each of them. For example, if you’re launching a crocheting business, list down your first 10 products. Then, research about online and in-person events where you’ll sell them. Once you’ve found events that match your crocheting style, start working on the products.  

3. Only Learn One New Skill at a Time  

Mastering a skill takes time. Try to think of a skill that you have and remember how many months or years it took to master it. In your journey as a side hustler, you’ll feel like you don’t have enough skills but you have to start somewhere. Whether it is website development, marketing, or designing, there are many tools that assist with the basics. Start from there and you can learn advanced applications from YouTube or a business mentor. 

A monthly planner with office supplies on a pink background.

4. Dedicate Time to Your Side Hustle 

Some side hustlers prefer allocating one day for their side hustle activities. Others like allocating 30 minutes or an hour each day to break the monotony. Whatever your style is, tools like digital calendars and planners come in handy. Factor in stress at work or family responsibilities when setting these deadlines and also allocate time for rest and recovery. 

5. Stay Away From Your Phone 

Once you hear your phone ping, you’ll pick it up, get the message, and then visit your favorite social media app. Turn on your smartphone’s Do Not Disturb mode. It silences all notifications except phone calls. Work time means you work and do not procrastinate. 

6. Celebrate Every Little Milestone

Don’t wait to celebrate only the big wins. Every step forward, no matter how small, is progress and deserves recognition. Celebrating milestones keeps you motivated and reminds you of how far you’ve come.

7. Know That It’s Okay to Fail 

Remember all the things you tried since childhood, how many you failed at, but eventually succeeded? It’s the same with side hustles. If you fail, adapt new strategies, and give it one more try. Be flexible and pivot according to your target audience’s requirements. Eat healthy, workout, and practice mindfulness to reduce stress and improve focus. 

8. Keep Your ‘Why’ in Mind

Whether it’s financial freedom, pursuing a passion, or personal growth, your ‘why’ is your guiding star. It keeps you grounded and focused, especially during tough times.

You got this! If you are considering a sustainable side hustle, our free Facebook group goes in depth about starting your own Moving Box Rental business. Join it here and learn all about its potential!