How to Find Time to Work on your Side Hustle

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hi, i'm Carrie

I help women find freedom by building a business or starting a new side hustle. Becoming an entrepreneur is an exciting venture for anyone who wants to experience being their own boss, freedom, and flexibility!

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Between running a family, having a full time job, and making sure you raise your kids well, how are we supposed to find time to work on our Side Hustle? How can we create more time to work on our Side Hustle, when we don’t have time?

Some women need to keep their Side Hustle a secret at work. They do not talk about it or work on it at all, while at their full time job.

They do this to protect their position and for their financial stability as some workplaces are super strict about this and monitor their employees’ online activity very closely.

When I was 27, I started my Side Hustle while working full time. I worked quietly on it when I had some free time or when on breaks, but I did not divulge that information to anyone there. It felt so wrong to work on it, but I can honestly admit this years later because I know I am not alone!

We have to find time to work on our Side Hustle if we want to create change in our lives.

Other women have lots of flexibility at work and have plenty of free time. They may make calls or research for their Side Hustle during work hours. I certainly envied these women! They might even tell everyone including their boss what they are up to, without any fear of losing their jobs.

If it is well known that you are only planning on earning a few bucks on the side, then what do you have to lose by telling people? They may become your first customers!

I guess the reason I did not tell anyone at work what I was doing, is that I didn’t want them to fear that I would quit due to this Side Hustle (which was the truth!)

I had wanted to make my Side Hustle a full time hustle, which is why I kept quiet.

Most women find that the only time that they have to work on their Side Hustle is when they are home. Far far away from the boss.

But how on earth are we supposed to find time, when we have so many competing factors getting in the way?

I know you can relate to this if you have kids. And it does not matter how old your kids are, they are super needy all of the time!

  • Mom I need you to drive me to my soccer practice!
  • Mom can I go to Sara’s house?
  • Mom I am hungry – what’s for dinner?
  • Mom Sally stole my toy!
  • Mom my project is due tomorrow and I haven’t started yet.

If you have a spouse or partner, you have to give attention and your time to them too.

If you are spending all of your free time on your business, how can you possibly nurture your relationship? I had to learn this lesson the hard way.

So how do we fix this for future relationships? There are only so many hours in the day!

If you are into exercising – that takes a good chunk out of your day as well! I aim to workout 5 days a week. And by the time I drive there, do the workout, drive home, have a shower, make a healthy post workout meal – about 2 hours is gone from my day!

That is 10 hours a week that I chose my physical well being (which was the smart choice, don’t get me wrong), when I could have potentially been working on my Side Hustle.

What about preparing healthy meals for the family? This takes time. As does shopping for those healthy ingredients.

And let’s not discount the amount of effort it takes to pack lunches for the fam too!

By the time you are just living your life, it is easy for you to say – I will just work on my Side Hustle tomorrow.

Let me tell you – extra time will never come! You will always be busy!

How do we find more Time?

What you need to do, is fit this into the nooks and crannies of your day.

How do you do that? Simple!

  • Instead of zoning out during your shower, brainstorm new ideas.
  • Instead of singing along to your favourite tunes in the car, use this time to call a client or company you want to partner with.
  • Instead of running errands every day after work, do them all on one day and get it out of the way to free up your time
  • Encourage your older kids to prepare meals before you get home from your full time job
  • Enlist the help of all children to help with household chores and clean up
  • Instead of gossiping with coworkers during your lunch break, go to your car and do some research
  • Instead of binge watching Netflix at night, use this time to work an hour per day

Absolutely prioritize health, fitness and relationships. You cannot have a successful life if you neglect any of these three things.

But also make a conscious effort to find at least one hour per day to work on your Side Hustle.

Especially if your goal of starting this Side Hustle is to make more money or to get rid of your full time job – how are things ever going to change if you don’t make time to work on it?

When I had my newborn, everyone was telling me to sleep when the baby sleeps. HA! Not for this motivated and driven entrepreneur!

I instead worked on my Side Hustle and got it up and running before he was crawling. I fit it into the nooks and crannies of my extremely busy day with a newborn.

Don’t let a day pass without doing something to move the needle towards launching your Side Hustle. It is not impossible – you just have to shift your life choices a bit and make time for it.

Remember that you are not any busier than anyone else. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, and we all have priorities and things that have to get done each day.

What can fall off your plate while you get this business going? Dig deep and you will figure it out, just like I did!

Here I am … cheering you on!!! You can do this sister!

If you can find an hour a day at least, that is at least 7 hours per week that you can dedicate to working on your business. If you can find more, then bonus!

How I can help you!

I help women start a Side Hustle within several weeks. Previous students said that they put in about 5-10 hours a week getting ready to launch. If you want to learn more about this Ultimate Side Hustle Course, please click here to see how easy it is to start! You can definitely find those 5-10 hours by using my tips!