How To Deal With Lack Of Support When Starting a Side Hustle?

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I help women find freedom by building a business or starting a new side hustle. Becoming an entrepreneur is an exciting venture for anyone who wants to experience being their own boss, freedom, and flexibility!

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Starting a side hustle or a business is a thrilling journey, filled with opportunities for personal and professional growth. But let’s be real—it’s not always easy. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of support from the people closest to you. 

It can feel like an uphill battle when your friends and family aren’t on board. People tend to get uneasy when someone goes against the norm. They may have concerns about the risks, the financial uncertainty, or simply the fact that you’re stepping off the beaten path.

But here’s the good news: people usually come around once they see your dedication and progress. When you start showing tangible results and sharing your milestones, their perspective can shift. 

Here are 7 ways to deal with lack of support when starting a side hustle: 

1. Communicate Clearly

If your friends and family are concerned you’re spending too much money, explain your side hustle’s goals and the reasons behind your decision. Talk about how you want to generate additional income and learn new skills while doing something you’re passionate about. 

2. Set Boundaries

Politely let your loved ones know when you need uninterrupted time to work on your side hustle. Setting boundaries is healthy and doesn’t mean you are shutting people out. We all work on limited daily hours, so you’ll have to make changes to how you spend them. You might miss spending evenings together or going partying over the weekend.  

3. Find a Support Network

Just a quick Google or Facebook search will lead you to a welcoming group of motivated women entrepreneurs that support each other. These groups also host local meetups, virtual and in-person information sessions, and have an active chat where you can ask questions or seek mentorship. 

4. Believe in Yourself

When others doubt your venture, remind yourself why you started. Reflect on your achievements, skills, and strengths. It is self-belief that’ll keep you strong during these times. Get a journal and write down all small and big victories you’ve enjoyed in your professional life and whenever you feel down, simply read them and you’ll be back on track. 

a group of women smiling and holding yoga mats

5. Educate and Inspire

Sometimes, people are unsupportive because they don’t understand your vision. Share success stories of others who have turned their side hustles into full-time careers. Talk to them about your project and how it has already impacted yours. When they know more, their skepticism will turn into curiosity and support.

6. Access Available Resources

If resources are scarce, get creative. Use free or low-cost tools and platforms to manage your side hustle. Look for online courses, webinars, and tutorials to improve your skills without breaking the bank. Local and state governments often hold free virtual seminars about many side hustle related topics including how to find a mentor, access grants and side hustle loans, and marketing and advertising advice. 

7. Focus on Your Finances 

You might need $1,000 to $10,000 minimum to start your side hustle, so make sure you have the funds handy and that these expenses don’t jeopardize your financial stability. Create a budget that accounts for your primary responsibilities and allocate a portion to your side hustle. 

It is easy for people to pinpoint your failure, so it is also a good thing for them to not be too concerned about you. Keep working on your side hustle and success will follow you.